Call for Papers
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Submissions are solicited for a new conference that spans all areas of robotics. The conference will bring together researchers working on algorithmic or mathematical foundations of robotics, robotics applications, and analysis of robotic systems. The conference will include invited talks as well as oral and poster presentations of refereed papers. It will be single track and highly selective. The main conference will be followed by one day of workshops.
Papers are solicited in all areas of robotics, including (but not limited to) the following:-
Advanced Mechanisms: Mechanism Design, Legged Systems, Hands, Snakes, Reconfigurable Robots, MEMS/NEMS, Nanobots, Biomimetic Robotics
Manipulation: Kinematics/Dynamics, Mobile Manipulation, Contact Modeling, Force/Grasping, Control
Human Centered Systems: Humanoids, Interfaces, Haptics, Tactile, Telerobotics, Human Augmentation, Assistive Robotics
Planning and Algorithms: Motion Planning, Mission Planning, Assembly Planning, Coordination, Complexity and Completeness, Computational Geometry, Robotics and Molecular Biology, Simulation
Field Application and Systems
Perception: Vision, Remote Sensing, Tactile Perception, Range Sensing
Estimation and Machine Learning: Reinforcement Learning, Bayesian Techniques, Graphical Models, Imitation Learning, Programming by Demonstration, Diagnostics
Mobile Robotics: Mapping, Localization, Collision Avoidance, Exploration, Mobile Robot Control, High-Speed Navigation
Distributed Systems: Sensor Networks, Multi-Robot Systems, Medical Robotics, Underwater Robotics, Aerial/Space Robotics, Robotics and Art, Robot Soccer
Review Criteria:
Submissions will be refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty,
significance, and clarity. Each submission will be thoroughly reviewed
by at least three program committee members. Submissions will then be
discussed at an in-person senior program committee meeting. There will
be an opportunity after the meeting to revise accepted manuscripts.
Paper Format:
Submissions may be up to eight pages in length, including figures and
references, using a font no smaller than 10 point. All text and figures
must fit within a 9 inch by 6.5 inch rectangle on a page formatted in
double-column format. Submissions violating these guidelines will not
be considered. A Latex template is available here
The conference accepts only electronic submissions in PDF format. The
conference web site will accept electronic
submissions from December 14, 2004, until midnight, January 21,
2005, Pacific time.