Robotics: Science and Systems XVIII
Meta Value Learning for Fast Policy-Centric Optimal Motion Planning
Siyuan Xu, Minghui ZhuAbstract:
This paper considers policy-centric optimal motion planning with limited reaction time. The motion planning queries are determined by their goal regions and cost functionals, and are generated over time from a distribution. Once a new query is requested, the robot needs to quickly generate a motion planner which can steer the robot to the goal region while minimizing a cost functional. We develop a meta-learning-based algorithm to compute a meta value function, which can be fast adapted using a small number of samples of a new query. Simulations on a unicycle are conducted to evaluate the developed algorithm and show the anytime property of the proposed algorithm.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Xu-RSS-22, AUTHOR = {Siyuan Xu AND Minghui Zhu}, TITLE = {{Meta Value Learning for Fast Policy-Centric Optimal Motion Planning}}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems}, YEAR = {2022}, ADDRESS = {New York City, NY, USA}, MONTH = {June}, DOI = {10.15607/RSS.2022.XVIII.061} }