Estimating Human Dynamics On-the-fly Using Monocular Video For Pose Estimation
Priyanshu Agarwal, Suren Kumar, Julian Ryde, Jason Corso, Venkat Krovi
Fast Weighted Exponential Product Rules for Robust General Multi-Robot Data Fusion
Nisar Ahmed, Jonathan Schoenberg, Mark Campbell
State Estimation for Legged Robots - Consistent Fusion of Leg Kinematics and IMU
Michael Bloesch, Marco Hutter, Mark Hoepflinger, Stefan Leutenegger, Christian Gehring, C. David Remy, Roland Siegwart
Extrinsic Calibration from Per-Sensor Egomotion
Jonathan Brookshire, Seth Teller
Colour-Consistent Structure-from-Motion Models using Underwater Imagery
Mitch Bryson, Matthew Johnson-Roberson, Oscar Pizarro, Stefan Williams
M-Width: Stability and Accuracy of Haptic Rendering of Virtual Mass
Nick Colonnese, Allison Okamura
Contextual Sequence Prediction with Application to Control Library Optimization
Debadeepta Dey, Tian Yu Liu, Martial Hebert, J. Andrew Bagnell
Physics-Based Grasp Planning Through Clutter
Mehmet Dogar, Kaijen Hsiao, Matei Ciocarlie, Siddhartha Srinivasa
FFT-based Terrain Segmentation for Underwater Mapping
Bertrand Douillard, Navid Nourani-Vatani, Matthew Johnson-Roberson, Stefan Williams, Chris Roman, Oscar Pizarro, Ian Vaughn, Gabrielle Inglis
Formalizing Assistive Teleoperation
Anca Dragan, Siddhartha Srinivasa
Reducing Conservativeness in Safety Guarantees by Learning Disturbances Online: Iterated Guaranteed Safe Online Learning
Jeremy Gillula, Claire Tomlin
What's in the Bag: A Distributed Approach to 3D Shape Duplication with Modular Robots
Kyle Gilpin, Daniela Rus
An Object-Based Approach to Map Human Hand Synergies onto Robotic Hands with Dissimilar Kinematics
Guido Gioioso, Gionata Salvietti, Monica Malvezzi, Domenico Prattichizzo
What Types of Interactions do Bio-Inspired Robot Swarms and Flocks Afford a Human?
Michael Goodrich, Sean Kerman, Brian Pendleton, P.B. Sujit
Real-Time Inverse Dynamics Learning for Musculoskeletal Robots based on Echo State Gaussian Process Regression
Christoph Hartmann, Joschka Boedecker, Oliver Obst, Shuhei Ikemoto, Minoru Asada
Recognition, Prediction, and Planning for Assisted Teleoperation of Freeform Tasks
Kris Hauser
Hybrid Operational Space Control for Compliant Legged Systems
Marco Hutter, Mark Hoepflinger, Christian Gehring, Michael Bloesch, C. David Remy, Roland Siegwart
Modeling and Prediction of Pedestrian Behavior based on the Sub-goal Concept
Tetsushi Ikeda, Yoshihiro Chigodo, Daniel Rea, Francesco Zanlungo, Masahiro Shiomi, Takayuki Kanda
Asymptotically-optimal Path Planning on Manifolds
Leonard Jaillet, Josep Porta
Minimal Coordinate Formulation of Contact Dynamics in Operational Space
Abhinandan Jain, Cory Crean, Calvin Kuo, Hubertus Von Bremen, Steven Myint
Nonparametric Bayesian Models for Unsupervised Scene Analysis and Reconstruction
Dominik Joho, Gian Diego Tipaldi, Nikolas Engelhard, Cyrill Stachniss, Wolfram Burgard
Distributed Approximation of Joint Measurement Distributions Using Mixtures of Gaussians
Brian Julian, Stephen Smith, Daniela Rus
Robust Object Grasping using Force Compliant Motion Primitives
Moslem Kazemi, Jean-Sebastien Valois, J. Andrew Bagnell, Nancy Pollard
Multi-stage micro rockets for robotic insects
Mirko Kovac, Maria Bendana, Rohit Krishnan, Jessica Burton, Michael Smith, Robert Wood
Feature-Based Prediction of Trajectories for Socially Compliant Navigation
Markus Kuderer, Henrik Kretzschmar, Christoph Sprunk, Wolfram Burgard
Variational Bayesian Optimization for Runtime Risk-Sensitive Control
Scott Kuindersma, Roderic Grupen, Andrew Barto
Time-Optimal Trajectory Generation for Path Following with Bounded Acceleration and Velocity
Tobias Kunz, Mike Stilman
Towards A Swarm of Agile Micro Quadrotors
Aleksandr Kushleyev, Vijay Kumar, Daniel Mellinger
CompAct Arm: a Compliant Manipulator with Intrinsic Variable Physical Damping
Matteo Laffranchi, Nikos Tsagarakis, Darwin Caldwell
Robust Loop Closing Over Time
Yasir Latif, Cesar Cadena Lerma, José Neira
Optimization-Based Estimator Design for Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation
Mingyang Li, Anastasios Mourikis
Practical Route Planning Under Delay Uncertainty: Stochastic Shortest Path Queries
Sejoon Lim, Christian Sommer, Evdokia Nikolova, Daniela Rus
A Distributable and Computation-flexible Assignment Algorithm: From Local Task Swapping to Global Optimality
Lantao Liu, Dylan Shell
The Banana Distribution is Gaussian: A Localization Study with Exponential Coordinates
Andrew Long, Kevin Wolfe, Michael Mashner, Gregory Chirikjian
Recognition and Pose Estimation of Rigid Transparent Objects with a Kinect Sensor
Ilya Lysenkov, victor Eruhimov, Gary Bradski
Towards Persistent Localization and Mapping with a Continuous Appearance-based Topology
William Maddern, Michael Milford, Gordon Wyeth
Robust Navigation Execution by Planning in Belief Space
Bhaskara Marthi
Visual Route Recognition with a Handful of Bits
Michael Milford
Exploiting Passive Dynamics with Variable Stiffness Actuation in Robot Brachiation
Jun Nakanishi, Sethu Vijayakumar
Inference on networks of mixtures for robust robot mapping
Edwin Olson, Pratik Agarwal
Turning-rate Selective Control : A New Method for Independent Control of Stress-engineered MEMS Microrobots
Igor Paprotny, Christopher Levey, Paul Wright, Bruce Donald
Affine trajectory deformation for redundant manipulators
Quang-Cuong Pham, Yoshihiko Nakamura
E-Graphs: Bootstrapping Planning with Experience Graphs
Michael Phillips, Benjamin Cohen, Sachin Chitta, Maxim Likhachev
Walking and running on yielding and fluidizing ground
Feifei Qian, Tingnan Zhang, chen Li, Aaron Hoover, Pierangelo Masarati, Paul Birkmeyer, Andrew Pullin, Ronald Fearing, Dan Goldman
On Stochastic Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning by Approximate Inference
Konrad Rawlik, Marc Toussaint, Sethu Vijayakumar
Failure anticipation in pursuit-evasion
Cyril Robin, Simon Lacroix
Tendon-Driven Variable Impedance Control Using Reinforcement Learning
Eric Rombokas, Mark Malhotra, Evangelos Theodorou, Yoky Matsuoka , Emo Todorov
Guaranteeing High-Level Behaviors while Exploring Partially Known Maps
Shahar Sarid, Bingxin Xu, Hadas Kress-Gazit
Development of a Testbed for Robotic Neuromuscular Controllers
Alexander Schepelmann, Hartmut Geyer, Michael Taylor
Experiments with Balancing on Irregular Terrains using the Dreamer Mobile Humanoid Robot
Luis Sentis, Josh Petersen, Roland Philippsen
Parsing Indoor Scenes Using RGB-D Imagery
Camillo Taylor, Anthony Cowley
Toward Information Theoretic Human-Robot Dialog
Stefanie Tellex, Pratiksha Thaker, Robin Deits, Thomas Kollar, Nicholas Roy
Efficiently finding optimal winding-constrained loops in the plane
Paul Vernaza, Venkatraman Narayanan, Maxim Likhachev
On the Structure of Nonlinearities in Pose Graph SLAM
Heng Wang, Gibson Hu, Shoudong Huang, Gamini Dissanayake
Probabilistic Modeling of Human Movements for Intention Inference
Zhikun Wang, Marc Deisenroth, Heni Ben Amor, David Vogt, Bernhard Schölkopf, Jan Peters
Optimization of Temporal Dynamics for Adaptive Human-Robot Interaction in Assembly Manufacturing
Ronald Wilcox, Stefanos Nikolaidis, Julie Shah
Optimal Control with Weighted Average Costs and Temporal Logic Specifications
Eric Wolff, Ufuk Topcu, Richard Murray
Probabilistic Temporal Logic for Motion Planning with Resource Threshold Constraints
Chanyeol Yoo, Robert Fitch, Salah Sukkarieh
Hierarchical Motion Planning in Topological Representations
Dmitry Zarubin, Vladimir Ivan, Marc Toussaint, Taku Komura, Sethu Vijayakumar
Rigidity Maintenance Control for Multi-Robot Systems
Daniel Zelazo, Antonio Franchi, Frank Allgöwer, Heinrich Bülthoff, Paolo Robuffo Giordano