Robotics: Science and Systems XX

Linear-time Differential Inverse Kinematics: an Augmented Lagrangian Perspective

Bruce Wingo, Ajay Suresha Sathya, Stéphane Caron, Seth Hutchinson, Justin Carpentier


For decades, inverse kinematics (IK) was an intense and active research area in robotics. Beyond analytical solutions limited to a restricted range of robotic systems and applications, differential inverse kinematics has emerged as a generic class of methods, able to cope with a wider variety of robots and scenarios, with quadratic programming-based approaches as the main paradigm. In this paper, we propose to revisit differential inverse kinematics from the perspective of augmented Lagrangian methods (AL) and the well-known related alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Notably, by leveraging AL techniques and in the spirit of Featherstone algorithms, we introduce a rigid-body dynamics algorithm that solves equality-constrained IK problems with linear complexity in the number of robot joints and number of constraints. Combined with the ADMM strategy developed in the OSQP solver, we provide a new solution for the same class of problems as QP-based differential IK, yet with linear complexity in problem dimensions. We propose an open-source C++ implementation of this approach, which we validate on a large set of problems including manipulation and humanoid locomotion tasks. Our benchmark measures computation times 2--3 $\times$ shorter than the QP-based state of the art.



    AUTHOR    = {Bruce Wingo AND Ajay Suresha Sathya AND Stéphane Caron AND Seth Hutchinson AND Justin Carpentier}, 
    TITLE     = {{Linear-time Differential Inverse Kinematics: an Augmented Lagrangian Perspective}}, 
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems}, 
    YEAR      = {2024}, 
    ADDRESS   = {Delft, Netherlands}, 
    MONTH     = {July}, 
    DOI       = {10.15607/RSS.2024.XX.110} 